House Prepared to Enact Citizens Congressional Map
January 24, 2022
House leaders urge Gov. Wolf to sign fairest district map into law
HARRISBURG – Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) and House Majority Rep. Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) issued the following statement after the Senate advanced House Bill 2146, the bill establishing Pennsylvania’s congressional districts:
“Thanks to months of transparent and intentional work by both citizens and lawmakers, Gov. Tom Wolf has an unprecedented opportunity to make Pennsylvania history by signing this citizen-crafted map into law.
“This map is the end result of the most transparent redistricting process in Pennsylvania history that included more than a dozen public hearings, collecting hundreds of public comments, and advancing a map introduced by a member of the public, and not legislators.
“The citizen-crafted map in House Bill 2146 was the only map introduced to follow the guidelines and standards set forth in the Constitution, and by all measures, puts candidates on equal footing heading into the primary and general elections, so elections can be decided by the will of the people and not political gerrymandering.
“In the state that created modern American democracy, every Pennsylvanian can take pride in once again going the extra mile to ensure our processes are open and the voices of the people are held above those seeking political influence.”
The map is available for everyone to view at
Speaker Bryan Cutler
Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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