Cutler Comments on Cuffs Run Project Permitting Decision
November 21, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) made the following statement on the decision made by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regarding the proposed construction of the hydroelectric pumped storage facility at Cuffs Run proposed by York Energy Storage, LLC:
“The decision by FERC today to grant a preliminary permit to the planned hydroelectric facility at Cuffs Run is disappointing. As I said when this project was announced, while I am in complete support of energy production it is clear the YES Waterpower Project at Cuffs Run will have a detrimental impact on the area.
“The community at large, stakeholders and legislators from the area have made it clear that the planned project would have far more negatives than benefits. With over $100 million having already been invested into Cuffs Run to protect the scenic land and encourage tourism to the area, this planned project would destroy preserved farms, a regional scenic trail, the viewshed of a popular multimodal rail trail, and forested lands needed to help protect the ecological health of this landscape and an already impaired waterway.
“I will continue to support our communities around Cuffs Run by opposing this plan and working with stakeholders and fellow legislators to stop this project. Our combined voices will continue to be needed as this process continues.”
Representative Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Joe Szymanski
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