Cutler Elected Speaker of the House

June 22, 2020

Only third speaker to hail from Lancaster County, first in nearly a century

HARRISBURG – Following a confirmation by the majority of members, Rep. Bryan Cutler (R-Peach Bottom) is the Speaker of Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives. 

In remarks from the rostrum upon his confirmation vote, Cutler told his fellow members, “As we each carry the torch for the next generation, let me be the first to pledge to you what I hope you will pledge with me: First, let us treat each other, other elected leaders, and our constituents, with respect. Second, let us not ask someone else to do something that we ourselves would not do. And finally, when our term of service is concluded, let us leave things better than the way we found them. And let us do our work together.”

Cutler was first sworn in to represent the 100th district in Lancaster County in 2007, making his 13 years of service to the speaker’s chair the shortest tenure since 1967. 

Cutler is only the third member from Lancaster County to serve as speaker in the chamber’s history, and the first since Rep. Aaron Hess was speaker in 1929. He replaces the Hon. Mike Turzai of Allegheny County who retired from the House earlier this month.

“My entire mission in public service has been to give back to the community that gave so much to me and my family,” Cutler said. “Carrying the voices of the 100th district has been the honor of my life, and I will continue to carry the values and lessons my community gave to me in my new role.”

Cutler previously served as House majority leader and the majority whip. A lawyer and former x-ray technologist, he’s made health care reforms a cornerstone of his extensive impacts in Harrisburg. His time in the Capitol is defined by finding bipartisan solutions to some of the state’s most pressing issues, including authoring Pennsylvania’s most comprehensive election reforms in the last 80 years and a statewide overhaul of the Affordable Care Act, both of which were signed into law this session.

“Our chamber, one of the oldest democratically elected bodies in the world, has never shied away from finding solutions to countless issues facing mankind,” Cutler added. “This importance of this moment in history is not lost on me, and I give my word to all Pennsylvanians that the sincerity and fairness with which I serve will never be in question.”

Representative Bryan Cutler
100th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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