Cutler, Benninghoff Make Statement on Plans for Remainder of Legislative Session
November 28, 2020
HARRISBURG – Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) and Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R-Centre/Mifflin) made the following statement about the plans for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the remainder of this legislative session:
“The Pennsylvania House of Representatives will not be returning to voting session before the constitutionally mandated end of session on Monday, Nov. 30.
“We are physically unable to consider any new legislation before the end of session. A simple resolution takes three legislative days for consideration and a concurrent resolution takes five legislative days to move through both chambers, which means we do not have the time needed to address any new resolutions in our current session.
“It is obvious Pennsylvania’s election processes are in dire need of repair. Our work to ensure the chaos and confusion of the 2020 election are not repeated will continue in the next legislative session.
“The efforts of the House State Government Committee to further investigate the impacts of interventions by the activist Pennsylvania Supreme Court and the confusing and conflicting guidance by the Secretary of State will continue into next session. Additionally, our chamber voted to call for a complete audit of the election, a process we plan to see completed into the next session as well.”
Representative Kerry Benninghoff
Pennsylvania House Majority Leader
171st Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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